- The little girl followed followed her mum to a dancing competition where the winner will go home with a grinding machine and that was just the beginning
- Unfortunately, the mother of the little lost the dancing competition, meaning she will no longer have access to the grinding machine any longer
- However, upon assimilating the fact that she and her mother won’t be going home with a grinding machine, the little girl in the video started crying notifying how unhappy she is at moment

A emotional video has surfaced online that reveals the moment a little girl breaks into tears after watching her mother suffered a loss while trying to get one of her needs as a means to survive in life.
The clip that hit the internet clearly reveals the bond that explains the chemistry of a mother and daughter and by extension illustrates the common saying “Blood is thicker than water” as the little guy swiftly learn the need to have some basic necessities in this life so as to making things easier for her and the family.
The little girl followed followed her mum to a dancing competition where the winner will go home with a grinding machine and that was just the beginning.
Unfortunately, the mother of the little lost the dancing competition, meaning she will no longer have access to the grinding machine any longer.
However, upon assimilating the fact that she and her mother won’t be going home with a grinding machine, the little girl in the video started crying notifying how unhappy she is at moment.
Every attempts to stop her from crying was futile as she continue to shed tears accompanied with saddened facial expression.
Upon realizing her daughter was crying over her loss, her mother moved closer to her, gives the little girl who is known as Mercy some warm hug, then tell her stop crying.
During the process of trying to calm her down by telling her not to cry, the mother was also seen secretly crying a little following her loss.