Popular fashion designer Toyin Lawani also known as Tiannah has changed the life of a homeless child model with her Tiannah’s Child Modelling Agency as she offers him a lifetime scholarship and 3 years rent.
The child model identified as Oyinyechi was discovered on the road, got himself a modelling agency and came into the limelight through the first photos he took. Tiannah has also made sure that the child model will not go back to the streets and turned her life around by providing her accommodation with the help of a philanthropist.
In a video the celebrity stylist share on her Instagram page, she took the child model to see a philanthropist who helped changed the lives of their child and her family.
In a lengthy appreciation caption, Tiannah wrote…
“A Big Thank you to my chairman @kazeemroyal@princekeletufoundation He Made everything so easy for me , I know millions we had spent on the contents , Rebranding and pr alone to push Onyinyechi out there , before We found out about their shelter being demolished, we previously had plans to move them ourselves, also with the fact that the father didn’t hv his driving job again and the mom makes hair around the area where ever she finds one , I was more focused on this areas cause long time empowerment is key for me , but @kazeemroyal came on board , not only did he sponsor 3years proper house rent for them , A mini flat , he also Took the 3kids under his scholarship program to take care of their education for life and he said he did all this cause I do too much for people and he really wanted to help when he saw all I did with the kids , he was touched about how beautiful they were and how they didn’t belong in the street ,he’s a philanthropist Generally, like I said earlier , if your influence and actions in life can’t get People the right the help they need you are still playing or chasing clout online , social media is a tool we on here use to push our businesses it’s not who we are , a lot of people know about me but don’t know me and who I am or what I stand for , cause they judge from afar , I have done my part , I do not need to exploit anyone to help them , there’s real genuine help out there , that don’t need clouting , let this be a lesson , usually I don’t share this parts but we are doing so due to some funny people out there , onyinyechi is still a kid and we will protect her from people out there who might want to exploit her , not the other way round , their peanuts can’t do anything for me nor even one person I’m helping, if you want to book her to help them save money for the family contact @kidmodelsafrica @segun_wealth @theunstoppabletoyinlawani ✌️”