Toyosi Etim-Effiong advises women to adopt modest style of dress when attending church services

  • Toyosi Etim-Effiong has initiated a talk about appropriate church attire.
  • She urged women to dress modestly when attending church services.
  • She took to Instagram to remind women to select different outfits for clubs and church, pointing out the significance of the church environment.

Toyosi Etim-Effiong has initiated a talk about appropriate church attire. She urged women to dress modestly when attending services.

On August 25, 2024, she used Instagram to remind women to select different outfits for clubs and church, pointing out the significance of the church environment.

She wrote, “My gender, please, nau, let’s dress differently to church. The cloth for Zaza is not the cloth for the church. Church is supposed to be a holy ground. A place where you’re (supposed to be) GUARANTEED to meet with GOD – your creator, the King that earthly kings bow to, the One your bosses acknowledge as the ALMIGHTY!”

“Why does it seem like you show these people more respect in your dressing than you show your GOD? Is church about GOD or about something else? and if is about both Him and something else, what is priority?” she asked.

However, her post triggered different responses from social media users, resulting in some backlash. While a few Instagram users backed her opinion, others felt the post was too harsh.

An IG user criticized Toyosi saying, “Hush!🤐Who made you fashion police of churchgoers?! I too know😏.If that’s all I got to wear that’s what I’m wearing. The most important is that I went to church & not to be judged. I’m pretty sure God will not judge me based on that. He only sees the inward appearance not my outward appearance (that’s human problem). No, thanks for nothing.”

Another Instagram user supported her view, saying that modesty should be practiced by everyone.

She wrote, “I don’t think believers should dress indecently at all. The Holy Spirit you claim to have in you should speak to you when you dress indecently. Church or not, practice modestly. You’re a priceless jewel bought by the precious blood of Jesus. Stop exposing your bodies, please.”

“ALWAYS MY GENDER!!!! Trying to form “woke” with indecent dressing even inside church! Awon omo Eran!!!! I love being a Catholic sha, you will not enter lailai!!!! another user wrote.

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