U.S. President, Donald Trump, under fire over tribute to John McCain

U.S. President, Donald Trump, under fire over tribute to John McCainU.S. President, Donald Trump, under fire over tribute to John McCain

The U.S. President, Donald Trump, has come under fire over his tribute to John McCain.

The 81-year-old war veteran who was captured by the North Vietnamese passed on Saturday night after battling with brain cancer.

He was diagnosed with the ailment during a medical procedure to remove a blood clot in July 2017.

Following the announcement of his death, condolence messages have been pouring out from nations, people from all works of life including former U.S presidents Barack Obama, George Bush, Bill Clinton, and President Trump among others.

Mr Trump and Mr McCain, though of the same Republican Party, disagreed on a lot of issues when the senator was alive. The president also attacked Mr McCain’s war records saying he preferred war heroes who were not captured by opponents.

After Mr McCain’s death, however, the president offered his condolence.

“My deepest sympathies and respect go out to the family of Senator John McCain. Our hearts and prayers are with you!,” Mr Trump said in his tweet.

The message immediately sparked off a wide range of debate on his timeline, most of which were somewhat ‘derogatory’.

“Keep your “prayers”. U didn’t say one nice thing while he was alive and in fact disrespected him on many occasions and now you want to send your condolences?!? U fake POS!,” Zalina‏ (@Zalina_MYPEACE) said.

Sandra Benvenuto‏ (@sandrabenven67) said “Seriously! You’re last press conference you didn’t acknowledge a bill named after McCain. On numerous occasions you insulted John McCain. John McCain served his country honourably. He’s a true American Hero!

“We know why you despised John McCain…..he was everything you weren’t…..a true American hero and patriot!” Andrew Madison‏ (@AndrewMadison3) said.

Infuriated by Trump’s tweet, Kerry Jj‏ (@kerryme788) said “Those of us who have served, lost blood, and lost family members defending this country have idolize @SenJohnMcCain as a true hero . This same group think you’re a coward, a liar, and incompetent. So please leave your insincere words to yourself.”

“As an Englishman sitting here I feel very sorry for the American people to have you representing them You are a very poor excuse of a human being and insult all of the things that that makes America great,” Rod Beaton‏ (@rodbeaton1949) said.

U.S. President, Donald Trump, under fire over tribute to John McCain