Ubi Franklin Reportedly Threatens To Arrest Anyone Who Tags Him ‘Father Abraham Or Serial Baby Daddy’

Nigerian blogger cum Sandra Iheuwa’s baby daddy, Ubi Franklin has been reported to have threatened to arrest anyone who tags him with the ‘father Abraham or serial baby daddy’ tag as he’s not happy with that.

Ubi Franklin has kids with different women and because of that, some trolls mock him using the father Abraham tag saying he’s the father of all nations while others make fun of him using the serial baby daddy tag.

According to a post by a blogger, Ubi Franklin has threatened to arrest anyone who tags him as father Abraham or serial baby daddy as he has a lot of things aside from these two to be classified with.

Per what the blogger wrote, the last time Ubi Franklin got a woman pregnant was 4yrs ago as his last child is 3yrs and within that space, he has achieved a lot of things that people can use to classify him without calling him, father Abraham.

The blogger also hinted that Ubi Franklin has gone back to school to study law and will soon graduate as a law student and a lawyer when called to the bar and that is a great achievement for him.