Ubi Franklin Reveals Why the Money Spent On His Wedding Was His Biggest Money Mistake

Ubi Franklin Reveals Why the Money Spent On His Wedding Was His Biggest Money Mistake
Ubi Franklin Reveals Why the Money Spent On His Wedding Was His Biggest Money Mistake

Music executive, Ubi Franklin says the biggest money mistake he has ever made is the money he plunged into having a huge wedding celebration.

Ubi had a superlative wedding with his ex-wife, Lilian Esoro, in November 2015. Their marriage however crashed one year later.

Ubi was a guest on a TV show for BusinessDay recently. When asked what his biggest money mistake ever has been, Ubi said;

”I think the biggest money mistake for me was the money for my wedding. That was the biggest money mistake because a few guys that had experience at the time told me to just do something small and then go home. When I see people do big scale wedding, I laugh because it’s a party, it is just for a day and when that day is done, it’s done. Yes they say memories but you see, you can create memories without spending billions. So I think that is one of the biggest money mistake I have made’. If I had known, I would have done something smaller, classier than what I did because I did like almost three months of different events’

Ubi also revealed he has made over N10 billion in the last eight years.

”From 2012 till now, I have made over 10 billion but didn’t keep it because I didn’t have financial discipline to know that I could invest that money in something else that could generate money”he said

He also took to his Instastories last night to react to the attack he has received from Nigerians over his N10 billion claim.