A video of two senior officiating ministers struggling over which of them would conduct service in a white garment church, is making the rounds online.
It is not clear when or where exactly this happened, however, it appears the church is located abroad.
The senior officiating ministers could be seen in front of the church struggling over who will lead the service for the day. The men could be heard speaking Yoruba while engaging in a shouting match.

Two Celestial Church of Christ pastors in the diaspora engage in a heated argument over the Shepherd meant to lead the congregation for the day.
A video making rounds on social media captured the moment two head pastors of a celestial church traded words.
The two men of God were spotted on the altar making preceding prayers before the full Church service commenced.
While tackling one another, one of the pastors could be heard telling the other to leave despite standing his ground.
The divided congregation could be heard in the background supporting individual preachers while discouraging throwing the first fist.