Warning! Five Reasons and Dangers In Takings Local Herbs [Agbo Jedi]

  1. Kidney failure

This is the most terrible complication of long-term use of agbo. The kidneys have to filter out toxins and other chemicals from the body in the form of wastes in urine. But agbo has been found to contain substances that gradually weaken and finally destroy the kidneys. This is why every now and then, you’ll find someone whose kidneys have packed up, and now needs someone else to ‘dash’ him another kidney.

Agbo jedi has been used by many and beneficial herbs are likely present in them. However, because the concentrations used have not been monitored to ensure it is always safe, it poses a hazard. A lot of the drugs in circulation are made from plants under proper conditions, making it less of a gamble when you use them.

So, be careful what you take. Ignorance is no excuse.

Warning! Five Reasons and Dangers In Takings Local Herbs [Agbo Jedi]

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