“We No Spoil Your Name, Don’t Spoil ours” – Sacked Dancing Security Officers Counters Chicken Republic’s Disclaimer [VIDEO]

Viral Sacked Dancing security officers widely known as Happie boys, react following the disclaimer made by their former employer, Chicken Republic, after their story went viral.

This comes days after the fast-food restaurant disclaimed the viral story of firing her employees for dancing while on duty.

Sharing to their Instagram page the sacked security officers on their page, the claim made by Chicken Republic was false, an attempt made to protect their brand.

“Good morning Nigerians, we are here to address a publication by @chickenrepublic that went viral few days ago,
Against what they published, we wantu make it know tha

*We were fired!
*Nobody is in close communication with us
*We were not offered any retaining
*We only received our salaries days after the video went viral and the company received a lot of backslashing online.

We respect every business and cooperate body involved in this but please we dont want the wrong information circulating.
Thank you.
“Happiness It’s Free,”
 they dancing guards wrote on their page while sharing a video.
