What the Shape of Your Lips Say about You
Besides the eyes, people pay close attention to a person’s lips. According to physiognomists or the face scientists who are experts at reading facial cues, the shape of your lips can also convey your distinct characteristics.
You use your lips for talking, eating, smiling, and kissing. When you’re happy, sad or angry, it is your mouth that’s usually the first to give away your emotions, aside from your eyes.
Jean Haner, who wrote from the book “The Wisdom of Your Face,” says that the shape of your lips is directly related to your personality and behavior based on ancient Chinese philosophies. You were born with this feature because it is connected to who you really are.
So, here are 9 things experts have learned about the shape of your lips and its correlation to your personality:
Click the next page below to continue reading;“You were born with the features you have for a reason — every feature is linked to a part of your personality and they all work together to represent who you are.” – Jean Haner