Why Osama Bin Laden Allowed Jihadists to Masturbate – US Intelligence Document Reveals

Why Osama Bin Laden Allowed Jihadists to Masturbate – US Intelligence Document Reveals

Documents released by the United States government, has revealed that late Al-Qaeda leader, Osama Bin Laden permitted some members of the Jihadists to masturbate.

A letter from Osama bin Laden detailing when jihadists should be allowed to masturbate has been revealed.

The Al-Qaeda leader had such a pull on his followers that he was able to dictate when they pleasured themselves.

In a memo marked top secret, he wrote to one of his trusted aides in North Africa saying that in the extreme conditions of being kept separate from their wives, the terrorists could masturbate.

It was seized along with 49 other documents by the US in 2011, and now they have been made public by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (DNI).

In it, the one-time world’s most wanted man discussed attacks on America and targeting France should efforts fail against the US. But, he also lifts the lid on the $exual activity of his jihadis.

In the letter, he wrote: ‘Another very special and top secret matter – it pertains to the problem of the brothers who are with you in their unfortunate celibacy and lack of availability of wives for them in the conditions that have been imposed on them.

‘We pray to God to release them. God is not ashamed of the truth. As we see it, we have no objection to clarifying to the brothers that they may, in such conditions, masturbate, since this is an extreme case.

‘The ancestors approved this for the community. They advised the young men at the time of the conquest to do so.

‘It has also been prescribed by the legists when needed, and there is no doubt that the brothers are in a state of extreme need.’

Read the letter sent by Osama bin Laden to his trusted aide in North Africa in full below;

Why Osama Bin Laden Allowed Jihadists to Masturbate – US Intelligence Document Reveals