- A woman shared her story of giving birth after praying during the Hallelujah Challenge.
- She posted a detailed message on her social media account on X (formerly Twitter).
- In her testimony, she explained how her faith and the Hallelujah Challenge helped her through a difficult pregnancy, leading to the arrival of a healthy baby.

A woman shared her story of giving birth after praying during the Hallelujah Challenge. Doctors had told her that a scan showed no baby in her womb.
She posted a detailed message on her social media account on X (formerly Twitter).
In her testimony, she explained how her faith and the Hallelujah Challenge helped her through a difficult pregnancy, leading to the arrival of a healthy baby.
Just a week after getting married, the woman and her husband were thrilled to learn they were going to have a baby. But their happiness soon faded when the first scan showed no signs of pregnancy.
This sad moment happened during the Hallelujah Challenge in May, a yearly event where people pray and seek miracles.
In her deep sadness, the woman sought comfort from God.
While her husband was at work, she sat alone in her room, crying, but feeling her faith grow as she remembered the “dress like your miracle” night of the challenge.
Soon after, the woman underwent blood tests, as doctors anticipated a drop in her hormone levels.
However, the tests showed that her hormone levels were actually increasing.
The doctor, astonished by this outcome, ordered another scan.
The scan revealed a baby in her womb, and they could hear the heartbeat.
The bleeding stopped by itself, and her pregnancy was miraculously saved.
The difficulties continued. At 26 weeks, the woman woke up to a sudden rush of water—her amniotic fluid was leaking.
Doctors confirmed that her water had broken and warned her that labor could start soon, leading to the birth of a premature baby.
The medical team explained all the risks, and she felt a wave of despair.
This moment of hardship happened to align with the 7-year anniversary of the Hallelujah Challenge in October.
As the doctors readied themselves for labor, the woman and her husband celebrated with a dance, believing that their baby would be born at full term.
Pastor Nath mentioned their story during the challenge.
Days turned into weeks, and still, there was no labor, with the woman being carefully monitored in the hospital.
Against all challenges, she brought a healthy, fully grown baby into life.
The woman now embraces not only a child but also a powerful reminder of God’s miracles.
“About a week after my wedding, we found out we were pregnant, and my husband and I were ecstatic, with joy rippling through us.”
“This happiness was short-lived, however, when we went for the first scan, and the sonographer told us they couldn’t find anything.”
In her words, she said, “All I see is signs of a pregnancy that was here.” When they sent me to the doctor for more details, he confirmed it and said the pregnancy was not viable and that I must have lost it already. It didn’t help that, at this point, I was bleeding.
“This coincided with the special Hallelujah Challenge in May. I remember that night when my husband had gone to work.”
“I sat in my room as tears ran down my face, but faith started welling up inside me as it was the ‘dress like your miracle” night. I carried the pillow in my room and danced like a crazy woman in my bedroom. I told God that if He could raise the dead, He could reverse whatever the doctor and scan had said.”
“People of God, I was sent for blood work as they said my hormone levels would start going down. We went for blood work every three days, and my hormone levels kept rising.”
“The doctor was shocked and sent us for another scan. They saw a baby growing in my womb, and we heard the heartbeat. The bleeding stopped on its own. God did the miraculous.”
“As if that was not enough for the devil, at 26 weeks, I woke up in the middle of the night to see water gushing out of me. My husband and I ran to the hospital, where they confirmed that my water had broken, and I was leaking amniotic fluid.”
“A team of doctors and NICU people surrounded us and told me my body would go into labor in the next few hours, and I would give birth to my baby preterm. They started listing all the risks involved and the chances of survival. I looked up to heaven.”
“Again, this coincided with the Hallelujah Challenge’s 7th anniversary in October. As the doctors admitted us to the hospital and everyone was waiting for labor to start, my husband and I danced like lunatics in the hospital room. We told God we wanted our baby to reach term before coming.”
“Pastor Nath mentioned our case. People of God, that day passed with no labor. More days passed, then weeks. I stayed in the hospital under close monitoring, and no labor came. I gave birth to my fully healthy baby when he was fully mature.”
“So, what I’m holding in my arms is not just a child; it’s a living, breathing, beautiful proof that Yahweh rules in the affairs of men. It is a testament that God is good, and when Jesus says yes, nobody can say no. God is still in the business of doing the miraculous. Your own testimony is on the way.”
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