Worldwide Tension as COVID-19 Source Details Emerges

Another turn after Former world boxing champion, Amir Khan made unusual cases on where the virus originated from. He transferred a progression of recordings examining the subject on Instagram. The cases have raised a ton of eyebrows with numerous presently scrutinizing the entire episode thing.

The hard-hitting fighter accepts that COVID-19 coronavirus didn’t begin from China. He additionally accepts that Covid-19 could be a piece of a bigger trick plan on testing the most recent 5G correspondence organizes far and wide.

In the video he says, “I don’t think it’s coming from China,” Khan said. “That’s a lie, really. People are saying that they were eating bats and snakes and the poison mixed. What bullsh-t is that? Do you believe that? I don’t.

“Coronavirus this, the coronavirus that – you’re probably getting bored of it, as I am. Do you not think it’s anything to do with that 5G in these towers that are going up? It’s a man-made thing. It’s been put there for a reason – while they test 5G. It might be for population control – get rid of a lot of us, especially when they say that it harms old people. Look at these towers at night time that have been put up, then telling people not to go out. I bet they’re going to put one of those towers outside my house. Who is behind all this? I hope it doesn’t start a war or anything.

“Every time 3G, 4G, 5G happens, there’s always a pattern. Back in 2003, when 3G was released to the world, [there was a] SARS outbreak. Then in 2009, the 4G was introduced, everyone seemed to have this big outbreak of swine flu. 2020, guys – 5G, coronavirus breakout.”

He then admitted that some may think he is turning crazy, something that he denies, “[They will say] that Amir Khan has lost his head,” Khan said. “They’ll probably try to section me off, saying ‘this guy has taken too many punches to the head.’” he concluded

The discussion is likely to continue this week. Many people believe the virus was made from the lab as a weapon. This is untrue according to many scientists. They have discouraged against such thoughts and instead advised people to maintain high levels of hygiene and stay at home.