Mark Angel, a well-known comedian, recently uploaded a video of himself intercepting and questioning his daughter, Emmanuella, for driving his Jeep SUV.
Mark Angel was walking along the street when his vehicle approached. When he realized Emmanuella was driving, he enquired about her destination, and she revealed that she was going to her Aunty’s house to collect her shoe.
Mark Angel then questioned Emmanuella about why she didn’t utilize the Corolla or Highlander automobiles at home.
In response, Emmanuella justified her selection with humour, claiming that the other cars were too small, pushing her to choose the bigger Jeep.
Following a playful conversation, Mark Angel granted her permission to drive the automobile but stressed the need of her ensuring the vehicle’s safety while she was driving.
Captioning the clip, Mark Angel wrote:
“Aah… shey I will not visit mechanic? … Don’t forget to refill my tank sha @officialemanuella.”
Replying in the comment section, Emanuella wrote:
“Daddy don’t worry I gat you.”
See the post below