Popular Nigerian actor and businessman, Zubby Michael in a recent video he shared, the actor talked about how some people have gathered their wealth through dubious means which he finds really disturbing.
He said that there are some people who dupe other people to make money and come out to flaunt the money in public, he said that some of the victims of the fraud sometimes end up killing themselves in the process.
He however added that when these cases occur, the fraudster should know that there will be consequences in the future because what goes around comes around.
The Nollywood star also shifted his focus to the ladies who always want to get into a relationship with rich people, he called them gold diggers who cannot work for their money or settle down with their boyfriends that are still managing.
He said that settling with an already made man can be dangerous because many of the rich men are into dubious and spiritual things which sometimes backfire. He said that if as a lady, you leave your boyfriend for a rich man, just know that the rich man can die anytime and you will be in a lot of trouble.
While talking about himself and how he got his own money, he said that he is a hard-working man who is making his hard-earned money from his jobs.
He said that he would never be involved in anything that is not pure because he dislikes illegal money. He said that whenever he remembers how hard it is for him to make money, it often makes him angry.